Et tu, Brute?

… allegedly Caesar’s last famous words

Mallorca, Spain 2018


my sincere condolences-

For your birthday.

In In my six years of learning Latin, I never felt as connected to Roman history as I did on my 40th birthday. How the stab in the back must have felt for Caesar? Like those of my friends when they congratulated me with MY favorite birthday greeting? It hurt and I realized that some opportunities have been missed and the remaining are no longer infinite.

Agra Market, India 2019


This Birthday

However, as initially feared, did not initiate a crisis for me.

But it was a turning point that should bring some changes. All the strokes of fate that we experience are often very painful at first, but also often an occasion to think about your own life again ....... and question it. As a result, my view of the world began to change, I became more aware every day that every moment that we experience is an irreplaceable treasure … and that every second counts.

We all have two lives. The second one begins in the moment we realize we only have one.

Old Delhi, India 2019


A change would be good for me.

But it was clear - only an optical one would not be enough.

Like many forty-year-olds, I began to wonder if this was really the life I always wanted. The few documents (a few personal snapshots) were not enough for me to deduce who I am, what I love and what is actually important to me in my life. So I grabbed a camera and started taking pictures of my life. Soon I widened my interests and began to include my my environment into my documentation…. until I got into street photography:

I wanted more ... and went deeper into this fascinating world and my new life.

Images and Text © Sascha van der Werf


Let’s be honest


Street photography